Sunday, 8 September 2013

Past Memories, Present day, Future Aspirations

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

30th August

Blade Runner

Memories play a big part in the film 'Blade Runner' as it askes if  whether we can definitively the difference between real humans and artificially engineered replicants. The film was based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. Directed by Ridley Scott and Produced by Michael Deeley. The film is slightly different to the original novel as in the novel Dick wrote the character Deckard as a human but there are debates towards Deckard in the film whether he is actually a replicant or not. There are few key moments in the film towards Deckard being a replicant e.g his unicorn dream and declining to answer whether he passed the flight-kampff or not.

2nd September.

I needed to select ten items from my past and present. This was comprised up of photos and objects or items of ephemera.

For each object/photo there was a particular task, on paper I had to produce. For this drawing the objective was to use this 'key ring' in an advert. One the finished advert I used the quote limited products get your's now! 'because nobody gets left behind' as this quote will react to a personal level to the consumers as it was featured in the disney film Lilo and Stitch, sothat customers would be drawn more towards the product.

For this photo I had to show my expression reflecting how I felt about my photograph. The photo shows when it was my 4th birthday and my mum and dad organised a magus ion to perform at my house. I will always remember that birthday because everyone was in fancy dress. The highlight of the day was when I held the the magusion's hat which had a rabbit inside which is shown in the photo I am holding.

For this image I had to use a pattern to symbolise my photo. In my case my photo was showing when I went to the zoo with my family and friends so in the pattern I combined the face paint pattern I had with the pattetprn of the dress I was wearing.

I had to store al of the drawings I had made into a plastic wallet.

This image shows everyone's precious 'memories' these memories would then be hidden away or buried so that in 10 year time a person would find theses 'memories' and perhaps know how the person was like through there memories. 

  4th september

These 10 photographs depicts the stages of me hidden the 'memories' into a time captural.

I followed all the stages that was given in the task. If I had more time I would of produced the 'memories' in more detail as the drawings I produced were rough sketches. In this task in particular I have realised that memories are very important even the bad ones, they make you into a person, depicts in 'Blade Runner'. Even after we pass away people can remember the memories you shared with them so the memory of you would live forever.
The indivisible images I produced were successful as even in a pattern it shows the memory of that photograph. The timing of drawing the 10 objects/photographs were difficult for me as I like to use high detail in my work in future I need to practise high detail drawings in a shorter time space.

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